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The Importance of Tummy Time

Tummy time is crucial for the healthy development of infants. It refers to the time when a baby is placed on their stomach, while they are awake and supervised. Tummy time is essential for infants because it helps them develop…

Developing Speech

There are several ways to help develop a child's speech: Engage in conversations: Talk to your child as much as possible. Engage in conversations and encourage your child to participate by asking questions and responding to their answers. Read to…

Fussy Eating

Dealing with a fussy eater can be challenging for parents, but there are several strategies that may help: Set a routine: Try to establish regular meal times and snacks. This can help create a sense of predictability and structure, which…

Starting School

Here are some tips to help your little one transition from pre-school to primary school: Take a trip to the school: Visiting the school beforehand can be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your child. They'll get…

What is Emotion Coaching?

Emotion coaching is a parenting style that focuses on helping children understand and manage their emotions effectively. It involves recognising and validating a child's emotions, helping them label and understand their feelings, and teaching them healthy ways to express and…

Toilet Training

Toilet training can be a challenging but important milestone in a child's development. Here are some handy tips for toilet training: Wait until your child is ready: It is important to wait until your child shows signs of readiness before…