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Fussy Eating

Dealing with a fussy eater can be challenging for parents, but there are several strategies that may help:

  1. Set a routine: Try to establish regular meal times and snacks. This can help create a sense of predictability and structure, which can be reassuring to children.
  2. Involve your child in meal planning: Let your child help choose what foods to include in meals or snacks. This can help increase their sense of ownership and interest in the food.
  3. Make food fun: Try to make meals fun by arranging food in fun shapes or colours, or by making faces with the food on the plate.
  4. Be a role model: Children often learn by watching and imitating their parents. So try to eat a varied and healthy diet yourself.
  5. Be patient: Fussy eating can be a phase that children eventually grow out of. So it’s important to be patient and not force children to eat foods they don’t like.
  6. Introduce new foods gradually: Introduce new foods gradually, and offer them alongside familiar foods. Children may need to be exposed to a new food several times before they are willing to try it.
  7. Avoid pressure and punishment: Avoid pressuring your child to eat or punishing them for not eating. This can create a negative association with food and meal times.
  8. Seek professional advice: If you are concerned about your child’s eating habits, it may be helpful to seek advice from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian.

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