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Starting School

Here are some tips to help your little one transition from pre-school to primary school:

  1. Take a trip to the school: Visiting the school beforehand can be a fun and exciting experience for both you and your child. They’ll get to meet their new teacher and see their classroom, which can help them feel more comfortable on their first day.
  2. Chat about school: Talk to your child about all the cool things they’ll get to do at school, like playing with new friends and learning new things. You could even read some fun books or watch some videos about starting school to help them get excited.
  3. Let them do things on their own: Encourage your child to try doing things independently, like dressing themselves or packing their own backpack. It’s a great way to boost their confidence and help them feel more capable.
  4. Create a routine: Establishing a regular routine can help your little one adjust to the new schedule of primary school. Try setting a regular bedtime and having set meal times to help make things more predictable.
  5. Practice social skills: Encourage your child to practice sharing and taking turns with others, so they’ll be more confident making new friends at school.
  6. Stay positive: Be sure to celebrate your child’s milestones and accomplishments, and always keep things positive and upbeat. This is an exciting time in their life, and they’ll be more likely to enjoy it if they see you’re excited too!

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