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The Importance of Tummy Time

Tummy time is crucial for the healthy development of infants. It refers to the time when a baby is placed on their stomach, while they are awake and supervised. Tummy time is essential for infants because it helps them develop the strength and skills they need to reach important developmental milestones.

Here are some of the benefits of tummy time:

  1. Strengthens neck and shoulder muscles: Tummy time helps infants build the muscles they need to lift their heads, turn their heads, and push up on their arms. These muscles are essential for crawling, sitting, and eventually standing.
  2. Prevents flat spots on the head: Placing infants on their backs to sleep can lead to a flattening of the back of the head. Tummy time can help prevent this by encouraging babies to spend time on their stomachs.
  3. Improves motor skills: Tummy time helps infants develop the coordination and balance they need to reach, grasp, and explore their environment.
  4. Promotes cognitive development: When infants are on their stomachs, they have to work harder to see and interact with their surroundings. This helps promote cognitive development and improves visual and spatial awareness.
  5. Helps prevent developmental delays: Tummy time can help identify any developmental delays early on. If an infant is not making progress with their tummy time milestones, it may be a sign that they need further evaluation or therapy.

Overall, tummy time is a crucial part of an infant’s development. It is important to start tummy time early and gradually increase the time as the baby grows and develops. It is also essential to supervise infants during tummy time to ensure their safety.

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